Top 10 Scientific reasons for Indian belief system.
Indian Culture has a beautiful mix of beliefs carried on in forms of rituals and practices , some of it are still practiced today, even though they perhaps do not carry any valid or logical reason behind it.
Indian Culture has a beautiful mix of beliefs carried on in forms of rituals and practices , some of it are still practiced today, even though they perhaps do not carry any valid or logical reason behind it.
1. Why Cutting Hair on Friday and Tuesday is restricted ?
It is basically to manage the water resources during olden days also it is suggested to spend time in Temples on Tuesday and Friday. It is suggested that on these days we need to spend money rather need to work for revenue generations.
2.Why Bathe after attending funeral is important?
It is believed that after attending the funeral, the dead body started to decompose in the air hence it is suggested to bathe after funeral so it we will be free from infection.
3.Why there is a Restriction to Look at broken mirror ?
A broken mirror is has two elements Broken + Mirror . Mirrors are also looked at not a mere instrument to look at oneself but at a deeper philosophical level , a view of self , which in a way represent our true self to us ,since none of us can actually see our own face or self unless with a help of a mirror or reflecting equipment .
A broken mirror is a representation of self which if seen through a cracked or broken glass may represent many faces or forms and not the true self .
Even though it may not harm in any way except that you may find your image broken and cracked ,but since the view is a distorted view of self ,it is not recommended.
Also it may harm you while handling the mirror due to its sharp edges,it need to discarded as soon as possible from the home as safety measure.
4.Why Sweeping the floor at night hours is not allowed ?
Basically during old age the illumination facility was poor so if we do the sweeping activity then we may through some valuable item by sweeping.
5.Why Chewing Tulsi leaves are not recommended as per Indian belief system ?
Basically tulsi leaves are having arsenic materials so if we chew the tulsi by means of teeth then it will degrade the enamel coating on teeth.
6.Why lemon and chilies were tied in front of house ?
In ancient times, when there were no roads and people traversed through jungles on foot to reach their destinations, they would carry a lemon and few chillies with them besides water. If they grew thirsty and dehydrated, they would squeeze juice from the lemon, which contains Vitamin C, into the water and drink it to refresh themselves.
As for the chillies, they played a big part in determining poisonous snake bites! While walking through jungles infested by snakes, people often got bitten. To determine whether the bite was poisonous or not, the victim would eat a chilli.
If the bite was poisonous, the victim's tongue would have no sensation as his nerves would be numbed and he wouldn't find the chilli bitterly pungent. But, if the bite was non-poisonous, he would immediately feel his mouth 'burn' due to the hot taste of the chilli.
Thus, the lemon and chillies served as a mobile first aid kit during those days.
As for the chillies, they played a big part in determining poisonous snake bites! While walking through jungles infested by snakes, people often got bitten. To determine whether the bite was poisonous or not, the victim would eat a chilli.
If the bite was poisonous, the victim's tongue would have no sensation as his nerves would be numbed and he wouldn't find the chilli bitterly pungent. But, if the bite was non-poisonous, he would immediately feel his mouth 'burn' due to the hot taste of the chilli.
Thus, the lemon and chillies served as a mobile first aid kit during those days.
Also lemon smell kills the bacteria and virus in air through acid content in lemon (citric acid),it works as a pest control.
Over time, it somehow led to the misconception that the lemon and chilies ward off evil while travelling.
Over time, it somehow led to the misconception that the lemon and chilies ward off evil while travelling.
7.Why Sneezing during main discussion was considered as bad omen?
As we sneeze in the main discussion room we are spreading the virus from mouth so this may infect any one present in the room and that discussion may stop due to this issue.
8.Why we need to Apply chandan/kumkum/thiruneer between two eyes?
As we have an electrical main junction in our building similarly we also having a nerves main junction point in human body between two eyes, so the way we keep fuse for the main electrical junction to avoid damage of equipment due to high voltage similarly we need to protect the body from external heat and other energies by applying chandan/kumkum /pashpam between eyes.
9.Why Black cat crossing your path is considered as bad luck?
The reason for black cat and its bad luck, because the ancient people used to travel in the night by means of bull cart, if the bull attached with the cart see the black cat eyes in the dark night then the bull gets scared,Then farmer used to stop the ride to let the bull get relax.
9.Why Black cat crossing your path is considered as bad luck?
The reason for black cat and its bad luck, because the ancient people used to travel in the night by means of bull cart, if the bull attached with the cart see the black cat eyes in the dark night then the bull gets scared,Then farmer used to stop the ride to let the bull get relax.
10.Why the rangoli is made in front of home?
Most of the rural areas people and orthodox people in India still drawing rangoli in front of house at early morning. The reasons are like one is exercise in pending posture and another scientific reason is creating a right harmonics are combined to create pleasing sound in mind by making certain pattern of rangoli drawings which will help the people to live happy and fresh.
Most of the rural areas people and orthodox people in India still drawing rangoli in front of house at early morning. The reasons are like one is exercise in pending posture and another scientific reason is creating a right harmonics are combined to create pleasing sound in mind by making certain pattern of rangoli drawings which will help the people to live happy and fresh.
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